Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday- 11/7/07


Lyna read her first word ever all by herself today!!! She sounded it out and then put it together and read the word BAD! I am so proud of her and excited that the method we are using is working after all! We didn't do much else besides letter recognition/signing and reading today, but what an exciting day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday- 11/6/2007

ad·ap·ta·tion (ăd'ăp-tā'shən)
The act or process of adapting. The state of being adapted. Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation.

So, through this journey of homeschooling I have learned a lot about adaptation. And again we are at a time for adapting. I feel the need to change Lyna's schedule/curriculum a bit. I would really like to get her reading soon, as once she has started reading a whole new world of education opens up to her. One that she can access on her own even. So, we are dropping some things that I feel are less important at her age and adding more letter recognition/reading. The new schedule will include daily letter recognition/signing time, art on Wednesday still, Handwriting on Tuesdays, Math on Thursdays, and field trips on Fridays. I am dropping science for now and also nature study. I feel the basis for science is math anyway, so we will continue to develop her math skills until a more formal science is necessary. I am also dropping nature study. This was a hard decision to make as I really love this part of our schooling, but Alyna gets a lot of nature time in her life and right now I do not feel it is crucial for her homeschooling curriculum. I will continue to update the blog with what we are doing. For any of you who are following my old curriculum, please e-mail me and I can give you the entire year's worth of the curriculum.

So, with this new information in mind, today we worked through all of our letter recognition and signs again. We also worked on handwriting and will be writing a letter to put in our stack of letters that have not been sent because mommy can't ever find the stamps pile when it is done! We also worked on some easy reading with these word: ADD, DAD, BAD, CAB, EGG, FAD, and HAD.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday- 11/5/07

We're back!!! Sorry for the long hiatus, but we needed it! However we are back on track now...

Today, we learned about the letter H. We learned the words and signs for H, Hot, Happy, Home, Hair, Hands, and Hat. We also went through all of the letters and signs A-H and reviewed since we had been off for a while. We will continue to review daily for the rest of the week along with our regular studies.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday- 10/22/2007- Friday- 10/26/2007

We are taking a break this week. We will start back up with the letter H next Monday.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday- 10/19/2007

Today, we visited the Myriad Botanical Gardens in Oklahoma City. It was really neat! They had lots of flowers, trees, and plants of all kinds as well as some animals such as parrots, lizards, and butterflies.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday- 10/17/2007

Today, for art, we made a garden stone. This turned out to be a lot harder then I thought it was going to be. It turns out that the stone mix dries remarkably fast, so you have to do everything in super sonic speed which just doesn't work well with a playful, energetic three year old! We had fun though, made a big mess, and learned a lot!