Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday- 9/6/2007

On Thursday, Michael takes over for Circle Time while I attend a yoga class. He said it went well. The played out the fairytale of "Sweet Porridge" with puppets, did rhymes, and singing. First morning lesson time, we did some math. We learned how to use an abacus and worked out some problems. Lyna did really well on this and seemed to really take to the abacus, I think I will incorporate it into our math more often from here on out. For afternoon lesson time, we had nature study. Today, we made an ice sculpture. Here are some pictures...
Also, for nature study we worked on our nature table. Basically, our nature table, is a table with different things that represent the current season on it. We go on weekly nature walks to collect things for it as well as use things from around the house. Here are some pictures (yes my daughter is wearing two different shoes, she has been insistent on picking out her own clothes as of late!)...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You guys are SO cool! I love seeing what you have been working on. Great stuff. I'm totally impressed.