Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Well, on Monday Alyna started her first year of homeschool preschool. We decided to name our school after our rather large hole in our backyard, which we are obviously very fond of. So, thats how The Hole in the Dirt School got it's start. We have lots of fun things planned for this year and I wanted to create a blog to keep track of all of the learning that will be happening this year. Our daily schedule goes something (remember I have 2 children under the age of 3, nothing ever goes completely as planned!) like this:

Every morning we begin the day with Circle Time. Circle Time includes, but is not limited to, songs, dances, yoga, and rhymes. We also learn some sign language and do a weekly fairytale during this time. We do the same fairy tale each day, but use different modes each day (i.e. reading, reciting, drawing it out in our own book, puppet play, and acting it out).

Monday: We introduce our letter of the week and its sound. We study about that letter and some of the words that start with that letter.

Tuesday: We do science (usually a simple science experiment) and handwriting. For handwriting we are doing some simple worksheets and also writing letters to our pen pal.

Wednesday: We do our art on Wednesday. Usually this is a fairly large art project.

Thursday: We do math (addition and subtraction) and nature study. Nature study includes projects including elements of nature and also a nature table which we will be adding to each week.

Friday: Friday is our "Fun Friday" day. We will be doing special projects and field trips that go along with our weekly themes.

Anyway, thats kind of the run down. I am a couple of days late already, so looks like I will be doing some catching up!


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